Friday, August 10, 2007

Have the Idea!

The idea is very simple: Contribute to a better world

The main idea is to create a web 2.0 site that supports the creation and interaction of a community of people that share the will to discover themselves deeply, as a game.

This path will be marked around the question 'what makes each of us special?'
We believe that it is our uniqueness that makes us beautifully precious.

Discovering why each one of us is special is to put some more good things in the world and cultivate a wave of positive feedback.

Are You Special? Play the game, Discover why

The main challenges in developing this idea are:

- Set the game and the functionalities that will attract the users to return periodically to site

- Have the site communicate, in a positive and strong way, a message of energy, power and force, instead of weakness, fear or untruth

- Feed the mystery

- Make it simple

Why Web 2.0 and what it means?

Many people says that web 2.0 is just a buzzword, so I think is important to specify the impact of what I mean when I say web2.0 site (using the O'Reilly principles). A site that can win the we2.0 awards :) joking

- An attitude that aims to provide value to the users in behalf of selling some product or service in a social context.

- The data has the value - we see the value of this site on the data that will be generated by the users. Is the wisdom of the crowds that will teach us something, not some guru.

- A site based on network effect - All the steps taken in order to materialize this idea will follow this principle, including the definition of the idea it self, and that's why this blog exists. The idea is that the 'default' paradigm has these keywords: free, public, open and share.

- Emergent user behavior - We intent to architect the site in a way that users can introduce their individuality in the interaction, to let unexpected behavior happen, and we all can discover new worlds and possibilities.

- Trust your users - Trusting the users means that all the community, users and developers, are somehow responsible for the power and the potential of the site.

- The right to remix - We reserve the right to change the evolution path of the site with the idea defined here.


Pandas said...

I love the idea.

Suggestions for a name of the concept and future world. doesn't exists yet

About the data. I think we should also use personal data that already exists and it's available - blogs.

There are millions of blogs on the web and they are a source of personal feelings and uniqueness.

Maybe they could tell us what to ask?

Pandas said...

I think there is a question that we need to ask.

Is everyone special?

Ok. It's easy to say that. Can we prove it?

Anonymous said...

Ahey, :)

Count me in.

In whatever capacity:
- game design;
- site design;
- programming;
- deprogramming;
- chocolate shortcakes (ok, that one would be my wife, not me);
- translation to and from English;
- whatever.

I'm in.


Leo said...

A few ideas (not mine!):

» Provide tagging for profile description
» Provide tagging for profile comment
» Points to create game-like social dynamics


Source of successful application of tagging concept applied to user profile:

- Consumating featured on TechCrunch
